Monday, March 30, 2015

I got nervous, so I made lists

The glamour shot above is the perfect segway into this awkward first post.
Type "(your name) glamour shots" in Google Images for a good laugh!

Why I started this blog: 
  1. To keep me sane at a 4-day golf rules workshop. 
  2. I'm officially a "retired" Division III women's basketball player and I don't know what else to do with all of this free time I have!

Five important things to know about me:
  1. My name is Heather, but you can call me anything because I like nicknames.
  2. I am from Cleveland, OH and therefore my life regarding professional sports has been miserable.
  3. I am graduating from college in May with degrees in Sport Management and Business Marketing.
  4. Upon graduation I will be the Tour Commissioner of a junior golf tournament series in Michigan.
  5. If you haven't already noticed, I love sports. I've got a girly side though (hence the "Tiara").

Here are five important, but not so important things about me:
  1. I'm not picky when it comes to music, though lately I'm crazy for the 80's!
  2. Peter Pan is my favorite movie mostly because I never want to grow up.
  3. I like forks way better than spoons and I don't know why I thought that was remotely important.
  4. My goal in life is to do one voice over for a cartoon. Details to follow.
  5. I have a hard time finishing things (this post took me 3 hours and lots of rewriting).

I have had a hard time narrowing down the point of this blog, this could attribute to the fact that I am somewhat of a random person. Here are some of my ideas:
  1. Sports and anything involving sport (ex: working out)
  2. Food / recipes (though I will have to start cooking for myself first)
  3. Budgeting
  4. Resume tips
  5. Motivation / quotes / poetry
  6. Scheduling / planning
  7. Anything else (except politics, I'm not big on all that)

If you actually read all of this, I owe you one. Have a great week!


P.S. Yeah, I definitely think I'm pretty cool for signing off like that.

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