Monday, August 24, 2015

Things To Do in a Doctor's Office


The nurse calls your name and you are relieved you're finally out of the awkwardly quiet waiting room and away from that old lady who keeps asking what the time is.

But wait... There's more! Waiting that is.

You get into the small confined room and the nurse asks you a couple of preliminary questions. She then hands you your paper robe (which smells like it's either been peed on or could have been sitting in the cupboard for 3 years now) and says the doc will be right in.

So now you're sitting in the room by yourself, mostly naked, and covered in paper. What do you do?

You could scroll through Twitter. And Instagram. And maybe post something on your long lost Aunt's Facebook wall. Or you could do much more entertaining things!

Here are my suggestions:

-Do an ab workout
-Paint your nails
-Call an old friend
-Become a fashion designer with your gown and rip it in fun ways
-Write a letter to your significant other
-Practice times tables
-Learn how to french braid
-Draw a variety of mustaches on your fingers and take selfies (keep that gown on!)

...Or you could write a blog post (example A)!


Got to go! The doc is finally in!


A Day in the Life of an Unemployed College Graduate

Oh, what a productive and exciting life it is indeed...

10:09 a.m. - Wake up with two texts from friends and a voicemail from an unknown number.

Because all of your friends have jobs, the prime time for them to text you back about your crazy idea to move down south and getting jobs as ice cream scoopers near a beach had to wait until the morning. Now that you've texted them back, they won't respond until their lunch break.

The voicemail from an unknown number gives you hope... Maybe this is your shining moment! Could it be an employer from your dream company offering you the perfect job? Nope. It's just some fake contest you've "won". If only.

11:22 a.m. - Eat breakfast

Now that you've checked all social media (twice, maybe three times) it's time to eat. Go downstairs to find your mom has only stacked the cupboards with her healthy foods. Like hello mom, I still have a metabolism. Fortunately for you, your mom likes to bake. So you grab a water and the bag of chocolate chips and head straight back up to your bed.

11:28 a.m. - Job Hunt

After a well-balanced breakfast, you decide to search for jobs. Hours of googling (personally, I like Bing) and LinkedIn searching go by and you've applied for 6 jobs you don't really want. It's been two weeks of job hunting so your standards are starting to lower. Hopefully, you haven't filled out an application for McDonald's... yet.

2:45 p.m. - Mom calls

"Hey honey! How did the job hunt go today? Any calls?" Same shit, different day.

3:03 p.m. - Mom gets home from work

You're on your way down the stairs from your bedroom to the kitchen from lunch. Your boobs are bouncing due to lack of support on, wearing clothes 3 sizes too big, hair and makeup a mess. Have you even brushed your teeth today? Probably not.

Mom sees that you have only left your room for food and to unleash so she starts assigning random tasks for you to do around the house. You agree to every task because not only have you been a lazy bum today (and every day for the last two weeks) but you aren't paying rent so you kind of don't have a choice.

3:57 p.m. - Netflix

The most powerful addiction on this Earth: Netflix. You've started watching Friday Night Lights or maybe even started a new series and have been completely sucked in. You watch two to three episodes based on start time of dinner.

6:24 p.m. - Dinner

You sit at the dinner table with your mom and one of your brothers (the other brother has already moved in at school). Your littlest brother annoys the crap out of you by saying something about how he needs a new pair of shoes when he literally just got a new pair last week. Your mom asks you to go to a party with her that evening as a subtle nudge to take a shower and to get back into the social scene.

7:30p.m. - Mom Party

It's exactly everything you're thinking: wine, cheese, women buying expensive clothing they don't need and unimportant conversations with people you don't know. Luckily for you, only 4 people asked what you are doing at home and with your career. You beg your mom to leave after an hour, but naturally you stay for two.

9:49 p.m. - Back in bed

Finally! You're exhausted from an evening of chatting about the life you don't have and now it's time to reflect on the day. You make a list of things to do tomorrow which include: cleaning out an unpacked bin, doing a load of laundry, finishing that craft you started a year ago, coming up with a workout schedule and planning to make calls to employers. Your motivation has peaked for the day, but you decide it's just too late to do any of that now.

2:22 a.m. - Time to sleep!

The Netflix notice, "Are you still watching?" pops up on your screen and you take that as a sign to hit the sheets for the night. Until tomorrow..........


Monday, June 29, 2015

Late night thoughts #1

You think you don't deserve me as much as I think I don't deserve you;

And that's why we deserve each other.

Monday, April 13, 2015

10 Reasons Why to Love an Offensive Lineman

These big guys don't get much love on the field, but boy do I love my O-lineman!

1. Big man = big heart. 
He's got lots of love to give! And he gives the best bear hugs.

2. No matter how big you get, he will almost always be bigger than you.
      For some women, weight gain is inevitable. But you will never have to worry about weighing more than your significant other because it is necessary for your linemen pack in the pounds.

3. He will make you feel light as a feather.
      He can pick you up, he can catch you when you jump, and you can sit on his lap for extended periods of time because of how strong he is. Be sure to remind him of that too, they like when people notice their strength.

4. He finishes your food for you.
      Your plate will never have food left on it if you eat with him. No food goes to waste and you aren't tempted to eat that fifth chicken tender.

5. Nobody messes with a 250+ pound man.
      He is literally like a full-time body guard for you and your friends. 

6. He protects his QB, so he will protect his GF.
      His job on the field is to protect the quarterback from the other team. He has a natural protection instinct and will never let anything bad happen to you.

7. Turn down the heat - this guy is hot!
      Decrease your gas bill by cuddling or sleeping with him. He produces mass amounts of heat. He will keep you warmer than your blanket does.

8. He works hard without receiving credit.
      Linemen are the most underrated and unnoticed positions on the football team, even though they most of the dirty work. But working hard to be successful is in their veins. They don't need the awards; they do it because they love the game and their team. They don't even touch the ball, but that doesn't bother them. He is willing to do what is best for the team, whether that consists of his boys or you and him. 

9. He is ALWAYS willing to eat.
      Ever have one of those days where you just feel like pigging out? Your guy will always be up for making that late night trip for a burger or milkshake. He may not be hungry, but he can eat.

10. His muscles.
 Every girl likes a guy with big muscles. 


Monday, April 6, 2015

Golf Rules Workshop: An Analysis

There are 34 Rules of Golf. If you attend a 3-day workshop, that means you learn about 11 rules a day. 
Seems easy, right? Not quite.

I received a packet containing three books, "Rules of Golf Handbook", "Decisions for the Rules", and "The Principles Behind The Rules of Golf", a couple weeks after registering. 

This USGA/PGA Golf Rules Workshop was a detailed exploration of the rules of golf. Generally, the crowd consisted of older men that are already rules officials or trying to become rules officials for PGA Tournaments. You could say I was intimidated as a 22-year-old female basketball player in a golf skirt.

The very first day, a nice man named Pete sat next to his friend, which also happened to be next to me too. He was about the only person that talked to me for the duration of the workshop, and I appreciated him greatly for it.

We learned 10 rules on the first day, and it went quickly as I was eager to begin learning. The second 8-hour day went a little more slowly. Luckily the Michigan State v. Louisville men's NCAA basketball game kept me entertained. And the final day was the slowest of them all; we went over 14 rules.

Basically, an old dude explains the rules of golf explicitly from a PowerPoint slide presentation for eight hours a day. In two words: God awful. 

The final day was test day. You can choose to take the 80-question or 100-question test, in which you must complete within the 3 1/2 hour time limit. The first half of the test is closed book. After you turn in that portion of the test, you are given the second half to take with your "Decisions" book open.

Note: You may only take this test once a year. Workshops are only offered before the golf season begins in April.

Here is an example of a question you might see on the test:

Q. In which of the following has the player played a wrong ball?
  • A. The player found a stray ball which he believed was his original ball, deemed it unplayable, dropped it under the Rule 28c procedure and played it.
  • B. The player's original ball which the Committee ruled was played by the player from a wrong place in serious breach of the Rules.
  • C. The player's second ball which he played under Rule 3-3 but not in accordance with the Rules.
  • D. The player's original ball know to be in a water hazard and, after the player had dropped a substituted ball outside of the hazard under Rule 26-1c(i), was found in the hazard and played.
The answer is D.

To be honest, I felt that the test consisted of ridiculous "what if" questions, with answers so similar only one word differentiated them. The questions and answers are very wordy, making it hard to finish the entire test in a matter of 3.5 hours. If you are trying to get a general sense of the rules, this test will be disheartening.

As someone who did not do great on the test, I would like to offer a few study tips to help other first-timers attending the Golf Rules Workshop.

How to get the grade - Recommendations to help you succeed:
  1. Watch golf in your free time! This will help you get familiar with the language of the game as well as pick up on some rulings.
  2. Study the rules a little bit prior to attending. Don't read the books all the way through necessarily, but perhaps memorize what part of the game each rule number refers to. You will learn details throughout the course.
  3. If you are currently enrolled as a full time student at a university, wait to attend! I was doing homework and worrying about my classes instead of putting my full attention into golf rules.
  4. Use USGA University online tools and study guides. Additionally, Bing search study guides for the golf rules test. There are several good outside sources that will help!
  5. If you are a beginner, I would definitely recommend taking the 80-question test instead of the 100-question test. Apparently it's geared more towards beginners to understand general concepts and rules. Whereas the 100-question test is geared for experienced people who have studied these rules for years.
  6. Finally, stay for the review session after it's all over. I did not do this because I was frustrated and ready to leave after receiving a bad score. Pete recommended I stay because it teaches you your mistakes.
And when it's all over, do not be discouraged no matter your score on the test! The Rules of Golf are very complex and require a ton of studying as well as usage in real life situations. 

So why even take the exam?
Some people take it to learn the rules of golf. Some people are in similar job positions as myself where they run a junior players tour and need to be proficient on the rules. Others are rules officials or hoping to be rules officials.

Exam Score Goals
70 = CGA Senior Rules Official minimum
75 = minimum score needed to officiate USGA Amateur Championships (except Am & Women's Am)
85 = eligible to attend special USGA/PGA rules workshops
92 = minimum score needed to officiate at US Open, US Women's Open, US Senior Open, US Amateur, US Women's Amateur

Last Thoughts 
Life lesson learned: Being the youngest/least experienced is a strange position wherever you are. If I attend anymore conferences similar to this, I will be sure to take the youngest person there under my wing. That's what Pete did for me and my experience would have been ten times worse without him there to help me throughout those days. 

Be prepared to consume an extremely unhealthy amount of caffeine (check out my next post about alternatives to pop/caffeine coming soon!).

Even though I did not do well on the test, I am much more confident in the Rules. I learned a lot while I was there, but there is still plenty of learning left to do!


Monday, March 30, 2015

I got nervous, so I made lists

The glamour shot above is the perfect segway into this awkward first post.
Type "(your name) glamour shots" in Google Images for a good laugh!

Why I started this blog: 
  1. To keep me sane at a 4-day golf rules workshop. 
  2. I'm officially a "retired" Division III women's basketball player and I don't know what else to do with all of this free time I have!

Five important things to know about me:
  1. My name is Heather, but you can call me anything because I like nicknames.
  2. I am from Cleveland, OH and therefore my life regarding professional sports has been miserable.
  3. I am graduating from college in May with degrees in Sport Management and Business Marketing.
  4. Upon graduation I will be the Tour Commissioner of a junior golf tournament series in Michigan.
  5. If you haven't already noticed, I love sports. I've got a girly side though (hence the "Tiara").

Here are five important, but not so important things about me:
  1. I'm not picky when it comes to music, though lately I'm crazy for the 80's!
  2. Peter Pan is my favorite movie mostly because I never want to grow up.
  3. I like forks way better than spoons and I don't know why I thought that was remotely important.
  4. My goal in life is to do one voice over for a cartoon. Details to follow.
  5. I have a hard time finishing things (this post took me 3 hours and lots of rewriting).

I have had a hard time narrowing down the point of this blog, this could attribute to the fact that I am somewhat of a random person. Here are some of my ideas:
  1. Sports and anything involving sport (ex: working out)
  2. Food / recipes (though I will have to start cooking for myself first)
  3. Budgeting
  4. Resume tips
  5. Motivation / quotes / poetry
  6. Scheduling / planning
  7. Anything else (except politics, I'm not big on all that)

If you actually read all of this, I owe you one. Have a great week!


P.S. Yeah, I definitely think I'm pretty cool for signing off like that.